Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

Don't drown my cirrous Me

There's a new passage
But they don't think it's duly
Try not to protest
They want you like that
This person should be you
Don't drown my cirrous me
Getting through endless meshes
Don't drown my cirrous me
Never gonna be pleased
Loose your ingenuousness
It's not like a circus live
They can't laugh about faults
You should be the ideal
The mental picture in their head
It's not allowed to be the cirrous

I can't fall asleep, but I still can dream

I can't fall asleep
I still can dream
about a better world
I dream about places
in green, red and blue
but my favourite colour
is definitly you
I dream about the nature
green leaves and blue skys
but the best of mother nature
is you, lovely eyes
I dream about streets,
shining sun and endless air
I know that it meets
for my love, it's not fair

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

It won't ever end

Bis jetzt habt ihr ja alle für den Songtext "It won't ever end" gestimmt und jetzt haben wir auch die Melodie für euch bereit. Ist zwar erstmal nur die improvisierte Komposition, aber ihr könnt es euch gerne anschauen. Vielen Dank für eure Klicks.

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012

Neues Video und kleiner Outtake

***Zu unserem ersten Lied (erster Post)***

***Outtake aus vielen Aufnahmen***

Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2012

It won't ever end

I'm watching the rain
It's power it's noise
Missing your voice
It's like pain
Endless flow
Thoughts grow
In my head
I'm counting your days 
Of filling out my head
Making me think of you
Making me being yours
They never end
Magnetism in the nebula
Pace after pace
I'm seeing your face
Standing near a conifer
Break away
This day
I won't remember
Pure breath in my thoughts
Trying to survive
For my unpleasant live
Superflous talks
Wishing: Don't be
But still see
I'm alive
Won't ever end